735 results total, viewing 1 - 20
Elon Musk, the South African-born founder of Tesla Motors and of SpaceX, and now chief adviser and agent provocateur at Mar-a-Lago, has made manifest his ambition to one day fly to Mars. But the … more
I am writing to express my concerns regarding our state’s public pension fund. I’m urging them to vote for climate action at this spring’s shareholder meetings for the major … more
I'd like to point out false information in your recent news story "Fake kids, real charges: Washington state lawmakers push additional oversight for net nanny stings." The Center Square reported … more
I am concerned at the callous disregard for human life that is being exhibited and even applauded by the leadership of our nation. Does our nation’s leadership not understand that shutting … more
Change that economically benefits United States citizens can happen, but only if we the people become clear on who the real enemy has become. The enemy is not immigrants or transgender people, as … more
Let’s get rid of all the distracting details that muddy up the subject. Personal note: The Ronald Reagan International Airport is in Virginia, not in D.C. But I am moved by George … more
Words mean things, at least they used to.   It is refreshing to note undocumented migrants are once again properly identified as illegal aliens. It is difficult to pin-point the exact time in … more
A concerning pattern has emerged in Lewis County as state Sen. John Braun, R-Centralia, and Rep. Jim Walsh, R-Aberdeen, spread misleading information about Washington state education policy, … more
So many letters lately that are just rants about politics and the responses via them online are really full of anger. Remember the time when you didn't base all your assumptions on one's … more
After all the illegal initiatives Donald Trump has shoe-horned into his first few weeks, do you think Democrats will now start to pay some attention to the Constitution they have ignored since 1950? … more
“And so, it Begins” — King Theoden in “The Two Towers” from The Lord of the Rings trilogy Mass deportations of 11 million people have started. I believe this … more
Washington State Standard reporter Jerry Cornfeld’s article on the Democratic Party’s direction quoted Shasti Conrad and Adam Smith for information on what’s wrong and how to fix … more
It’s astonishing how some people remain fixated on labeling Donald Trump as a fascist and his voters as ignorant, uneducated “rubes.” This narrative is not just false — … more
As the wife of an Air Force officer, I would like to encourage all of us to consider the value of our flag. It is just a piece of fabric, but it represents the sacrifice shown by so many over … more
John Braun’s last commentary needs some amplification. Students, parents, at no time are you required to speak to police. Not on school grounds, not anywhere, for any reason. If … more
I’ve finally decided that I need to respond to the bloviating letter writer Marty Ansley. He’s worse than Biden with his anger, insults and lies. RFK, Jr. doesn’t say, and has … more
The current political situation facing America is nothing new. Many countries have experienced similar tumultuous changes to their governments. Most of those nations’ radical changes had … more
I have a response to Mr. Ray Anderson’s letter of Jan. 15 regarding the shortage of STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) professionals. I earned a bachelor’s … more
Tony Christen recently wrote a very pointed letter about the failures of Jay Inslee as governor.   The only problem was he did not get them all listed. During the Jan. 3 cold snap, our … more
The campaign is over. “Well,” King Donald says, “it will be hard to bring down grocery prices. We need Greenland. Maybe we should buy Greenland. If they won’t sell we … more
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