734 results total, viewing 21 - 40
When Sen. John Braun claims Washington has a spending problem rather than a revenue problem, he's asking Lewis County residents to ignore the reality we see here every day. His recent editorial … more
There are about 4.5 billion tons of radioactive uranium dissolved in our planet’s oceans. Included is enough fissionable uranium 235 to build over 6.5 billion nuclear weapons. For good … more
I’m tired of seeing unqualified personnel selected to lead emergency management programs across the country and I am tired of ineffective responses due to poor planning. Nepotism is not a … more
Bruce Peterson’s letter in response to my observations on immigration requires a reply. He says I “seem to favor” uncontrolled, illegal immigration, such as our nation has … more
Letter writer Jon Cushman mentioned Einstein, Rickover and Tesla; they were immigrants, not temporary workers. It’s about filling jobs. Merely saying we’re a country of … more
January is School Board Appreciation Month. To celebrate, I would like to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude to the dedicated members of the Centralia School District School Board. … more
I read Jon Cushman’s recent letter to the editor with great interest. He is correct in that immigration is how this country originated and grew to the greatness we have been. He is also … more
As I finish my third year on the Centralia School District Board of Directors, every day I consider the complex tasks facing public education: unfunded mandates, revenue shortfalls, student behavior, … more
This letter is in response to the article on Gov. Jay Inslee dated Dec. 21, 2024. So, Jay brags about preserving access to abortions, murdering our most precious and innocent, the unborn. … more
Children and adults in Lewis County will die unnecessarily if Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is confirmed by the Senate to be the Secretary of Health and Human Services for the Trump Administration. … more
I am asking for your help. I am a Vietnam veteran living in Virginia. My good friend from my military days, also a Vietnam veteran, is John Richard, who I was told is living in or around Pe Ell. … more
“Surprise, surprise” is how Bruce Peterson began his letter to the editor before Christmas criticizing the Lewis County commissioners and the county budget. It’s no … more
Year-end questions seeking answers: Why hasn’t the person that confessed to killing Aron Christensen been charged under RCW 9.41.240, illegal possession of a firearm? He was a minor … more
I want to ring in on immigration and in particular, H-1B visas. We are a nation of immigrants. Immigrants enrich our culture and boost our workforce. H-1B visas allow highly skilled people … more
“How many times can a man turn his head, pretending he just doesn’t see?” What exactly is a war, and how long does it take to win one? Let’s look at a few examples in … more
Several studies have shown that during this time of instant news, blogs and all kinds of social conversation that travels in cyberspace at the speed of light, people do not read long opinion articles … more
This letter is in response to Frank Dare’s letter to the editor of Dec. 13. He states he was a counselor at Maple Lane, that neither Maple Lane or Green Hill was a “school.” I … more
I am writing to express outrage and disgust at the recent decision by Lewis County Superior Court to vacate Tommy Ragan's guilty plea and conviction for the heinous murder of 11-year-old Bruce Allen … more
Surprise, surprise. The county commissioners are raising every tax they can get their hands on. Of course, they all profess dislike of raising taxes, but “had to” in order to balance … more
I am the Mayberry Road area resident Amy White quoted in The Chronicle’s piece on nitrates on Fords Prairie (“High nitrate levels in water draw concerns of Centralia area … more
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