Letter to the Editor: Everyone Should Keep Track of Their Movements to Aid Contact Tracers


These last three months have been a time to test the fortitude of every living soul. For the most part, I think the nature of mankind is to do their fair share to keep others and themselves safe. I ask each of you to consider doing something that could be of some benefit for one and all. 

We have all heard that contact tracing could be another tool to help get this virus under control. So this is an area where most of us have time to start logging our own activities and contacts to expedite the process. The following is what I’m doing. 

In a spiral notebook, I first made a list of my meds with instructions. Plus, those that I am allergic to and symptoms. 

Each day I log if I have left the house or not, or if I had visitors, did they come in the house or not. Did I keep my distance? I think 10 or 12 feet is best. 

I post each place I shop (only if their parking lot is more empty than full), better yet, drive through, or do a phone order and ask for purchases to be brought to your car. 

I note that I am wearing the same light shell jacket and gloves that are washed more frequently or hung outside. I note the name of the store, the checker’s name (on the receipt). I also note the approximate time I was in and out of the store. If I talked with anyone, did I keep my distance? 

One last thing I am including is my oxygen level and heart rate (clip on finger). There is some evidence that even before any of the classic symptoms show, your oxygen levels may decrease. Maybe that is when you should call your doctor. 

In some cases, the patients have done better if they received oxygen at that time. I am not a doctor, but I think it’s another tool that could (and I stress could) help not only myself, but others. 

Finally, let us all give thanks to every first responder in every profession and those in the work-a-day world who continue to do their jobs so we are all able to keep some semblance of a civil and normal society. It can be done if we all try to do our best to think as a community, helping each other to stay safe and well. 

I can’t believe our own county, state or government hasn’t already created a document asking pertinent questions. It could be sent to every household. I guess it’s too basic/common sense.


Rose Spogen
