Letter to the editor: We need to elect individuals who will work together to unite the country


In a few days, I will be 87 years old. I have never seen the country so politically divided. It would not be a problem except we have some serious issues to resolve. We need to elect individuals who will work together to unite the country and pass laws that make our nation stronger. Fortunately, we have two great representatives who are perfect examples of the kind of representatives that I am talking about: U.S. Rep. Marie Gluesenkamp Perez, a Democrat, and Peter Abbarno, a Republican.

Marie is a very pleasant surprise. I had never heard of her before the election. Now, she is everywhere. She seems to have boundless energy. She is involved in every important concern, often with the result that federal funds are made available to our community to help solve issues that will make Lewis County a better place to live. Marie is a strong supporter of veterans, and she is working to restore the clinic that supported veteran health in Lewis County. She often works with someone from across the aisle. As a former business person, she has a different perspective than most people — every person that walks through the door of your business is a potential customer no matter whether a Democrat or Republican. I believe she takes the same approach as our representative.   

On the other hand, her main opposition is just the opposite. He’s an angry young man who denounces everybody and refuses to accept the outcome of the presidential election of 2020. Elections are the very foundation of our country and our government. The election commissions are made up of our friends and neighbors. There are literally hundreds of thousands of people involved, and they are some of our best citizens. 

To say that these people are part of some vast conspiracy to control the outcome of our presidential election is just ridiculous. If you truly believe that our elections are not fair and impartial, then you cannot believe in our government. No one should be elected to any office if they do not believe in their government, in my opinion.

If you want to make America Great Again, just announce that you believe in our election system because that is what makes America great.

Peter Abbarno is probably one of the most experienced public officials currently holding office.  The experience he has makes him particularly effective as our representative. He is a family man with abundant energy and works to solve problems that affect our everyday lives. I don’t know of him ever badmouthing any individual, which is one of the main ways that the country has become so divided. He works hard on the drug problem, but he also is willing to give a second chance to drug users. 

He believes in our public education system and in young people. Peter has been a strong advocate for child care and has called Lewis County a child care “desert.” 

If you want  reasonable solutions to problems, vote for Peter Abbarno and Marie Gluesencamp Perez.


Robert Davis
