Letter to the editor: Centralia eatery is a victim of religious intolerance


I was saddened to hear about the attacks on a local restaurant because they bravely chose to stand up for their sincerely held religious beliefs.

While being accused of bigotry, they were victims of religious intolerance by a large number of community members who claim to believe in being inclusive, while blatantly refusing to include the beliefs of a vast number of Christians around the world who uphold the Biblical standard of marriage.

To deny Christian business owners the right to uphold their personal convictions, is to claim that only those who agree with the LGBTQ agenda have the right to own and operate businesses in Centralia. This is anything but inclusive, and is exactly the kind of intolerance that led to the WWII holocaust.

There are many catering options available to those who choose alternative views, which makes these attacks a willful choice to try and force those of religious conviction out of business.

If the downtown association truly believes in being inclusive of all, they will condemn this attack and stand up for the rights of Bible-believing Christians as much as they do for those who reject a Biblical worldview.


Virginia Schnabel
