Friday Proclaimed as National Adoption Day by Lewis County Commissioners


The Board of Lewis County Commissioners has proclaimed Friday as National Adoption Day to recognize the importance of giving children a safe, permanent and loving family through adoption.

The proclamation corresponds with an event scheduled for 1:30 p.m. Friday during which Lewis County Superior Court Judge Andrew Toynbee will finalize the adoptions of 11 children from foster care.

According to the numbers provided by the county, there are an estimated 427,910 children in foster care in the nation, with more than 10,600 in Washington state.

Over 203 children “age out” of the state’s foster care system without finding a permanent family or home, according to the proclamation.

“… Outreach to adoptive families has been identified as a critical step in moving children more quickly out of the foster system and into loving homes,” states the proclamation, which adds that Lewis County Superior Court will join other courts from throughout the nation to recognize the day. “… This effort will raise awareness in communities of the many children waiting to find homes, giving them a chance to join new families.”

Susie Parker, superior court administrator, said the adoptions will begin at 1:30 p.m. on Friday, followed by a celebration in the sheriff’s office training room in the Law and Justice Center, 345 W. Main St., Chehalis.

“It’s one of the really fun things we do over in superior court,” Parker said.

Commissioner Gary Stamper, who was adopted by a family along with his biological brother, thanked those involved for the work they have put into the event.

“Thank you for all your hard work and especially the community and the people who support this,” he said.