Thurston County Auditor’s Office Wins Awards for Effective Governance


The Thurston County Auditor’s office announced on Thursday the office won several awards for its election observer program and efforts to strike racially restrictive covenants that were outlawed decades ago but continue to remain on ownership documents.

The National Association of Counties (NACO) gave the office the awards on May 9. The office also won an honorable mention from the U.S. Election Assistance Commission for Outstanding Innovations in Elections.

According to NACO president Larry Johnson, “This year’s Achievement Award-winning programs showcase how counties work every day to build healthy, safe and thriving communities.”

The Financial Services division of the Auditor’s office also received an Annual Certificate for Excellence in Financial Reporting for the 15th consecutive year from the Government Finance Officers Association.

In the statement announcing the awards, Thurston County Auditor Mary Hall said, “We continue to strive every year to improve how we do our work … These awards recognize only our most significant efforts. Auditor staff work every day to serve the people of Thurston County through free, fair, secure and transparent elections, honest and open financial services, and excellent customer service in licensing, recording and passports.”