Tenino Appoints Commissioner to Civil Service Position


The Tenino City Council appointed a third Civil Service Commission member on Tuesday evening at its regular council meeting. 

Linda Gotovac was sworn in at the meeting after turning in an application. 

She will join Ken Jones and James Lucas on the Civil Service Commission.

Gotovac addressed the council and said she had great interest in the town and the local police department. Having lived in Tenino for 13 years, Gotovac said she spent many summers in the city because her mom was born and raised there.

“Our businesses in town are left kind of bare naked especially after 10 o’clock. We just have the sheriff’s department to depend on,” Gotovac said. “We’ve always had good police protection in this town and I would like to see that continue.”

The council unanimously appointed Gotovac to Position 1 on the commission.