Taser gun pleases cops


The Taser looks and feels similar to a regular handgun.

The models used by the Centralia Police Department have bright yellow stripes to help distinguish them from a gun.

When fired, the Taser sends out two small probes connected to a thin wire, and delivers a five-second jolt of electricity.

The weapon can reach a subject as far away as 21 feet, but officers prefer to be within 15 feet.

The ideal target is a person's back, because it's large. The weapon is effective through as much as 2 inches of clothing.

Although the "zap" a subject feels is very powerful, it isn't harmful because the wattage is low. The shock causes a person to lose control of their muscles.

Police say sometimes just the sight of a Taser is enough to motivate the potential target to comply with law enforcement commands.

"There's kind of a scary aura about it because it's electricity," said Centralia Police Officer Carl Buster.

As long as the Taser's small barbed probes remain connected to a person, police can activate the shock again if they feel the need to.

Also, the tip of the Taser barrel can be pressed against a subject and deliver the same jolt.

The Taser operates with eight AA batteries.

Each disposable cartridge that holds the wire and prongs costs $12 to $15.

The weapons cost the Centralia Police Department $375 apiece. Taser is the brand name.