Six Centralia College Students Receive Outstanding Student Awards


Centralia College on Tuesday announced that six students have been honored with Outstanding Student Awards.

According to the college, the Outstanding Students are chosen for overcoming obstacles in the pursuit of their degree, achieving their educational goals and being active and engaged members of the college community. Students are nominated by faculty and staff, and the winners are chosen by a selection committee.

“This year we had a record number of nominations and the selection process was exceptionally hard,” said Robert Cox, vice president of student services. “We had so many deserving students. The six we selected each embody the Centralia College mission and it’s an honor to recognize them as Outstanding Students.”

Below are brief biographies on each of the recipients as provided by the college.

Noah Bryerton

Noah Bryerton served as the vice president of the Student Advocacy Activities Leadership Team during the 2020-21 academic year. He is captain of the baseball team and served on the Budget Review and Planning, Sports Hall of Fame and Multipurpose Field committees. He is also a volunteer with Bethel Church and helps serve meals at its downtown Centralia location.

Jay Caird

Jay Caird is a Student Ambassador and student mentor in Blazer Central. He is the president of Centralia College’s chapter of Phi Theta Kappa, the national honors society for two-year college students, and was recently honored as a member of the 2021 All-Washington Academic Team.

Shane Sweetman

Shane Sweetman has been attending classes at Centralia College through Cedar Creek Corrections Center for the past two years. He has taken many vocational classes, earned his GED and is now working toward an associate’s degree. He has been advocating for other incarcerated individuals and, earlier this year, testified in front of the Legislature three times about the impact of college education in prison.

Joey Navarro

Joey Navarro started at Centralia College to earn his high school diploma and is now graduating with an associate’s degree. He previously served as a student mentor in Blazer Central and, earlier this spring, began working as a navigator in the college’s new program for incarcerated youth at Green Hill School.

Fred Ross

Fred Ross founded and serves as president of the Data Science Club and Spilled Ink Literary and Arts Journal. He also serves as the recording officer for Phi Theta Kappa and is a member of the Environmental Science Club. He previously mentored students through the M2IND Initiative Program and provided tutoring in the STEM Tutoring Center. He currently works as a TRiO tutor.

Haylee Ward

Haylee Ward is the president of the Student Advocacy Activities Leadership Team and captain of the soccer team. She serves on the college’s Institutional Effectiveness and Guided Pathways committees. In addition, she is an active member of the Speech Club and the winner of the 2020 Statewide Inspirational Speech Championship.