Lewis County Superior Court Judge Richard Brosey Announces Retirement


Lewis County Superior Court Judge Richard Brosey announced Wednesday that he plans to retire at the end of his current term, which ends in January 2017.

Brosey has been a Lewis County Superior Court Judge since July 1, 1998, when he was appointed by Gov. Gary Locke after the state Legislature created the position.

He has been elected to the office ever since. When he finishes his current term, he will have served in Superior Court for 23 years.

He served as a full-time court commissioner for four and half years before becoming judge.

“I will be 68 years old in December; it is time to spend more time with my wife and grandchildren and let someone else do this job,” Brosey wrote in a statement. “It has been a great honor and a pleasure to serve the citizens of Lewis County. I have always believed that elected judges should serve the term for which they were elected and that judges should retire before health or age dictates that they should. My wife and I are looking forward to enjoying the slower pace of the next chapter of our lives.”

Brosey has presided over about 275 jury trials including civil and criminal cases, and multiple homicides.

Superior Court Judge Nelson Hunt has also announced his retirement beginning in January 2017. Hunt has served as a Superior Court Judge since 2004.