Lewis County Public Utilities District Receives $1.46 Million Grant


The Lewis County Public Utilities District (PUD) announced on Wednesday it received $1.46 million from the Centralia Coal Transition Grants Weatherization Board to continue its energy efficiency grant program. 

The energy efficiency grant program aids in providing ductless heat pumps and weatherization upgrades for low-income households, and also provides schools with energy efficiency improvements and community based energy efficiency measures for local nonprofit organizations, stated a news release. 

“The new grant funding provided by TransAlta’s investment to the Weatherization Board will allow us to continue our low-income programs through 2024. The funds will help us to make meaningful impact to a large number of low-income households with energy efficiency measures, helping to reduce their energy costs and improve overall quality of life for many years to come,” said PUD Business Services Manager Jacob Henry in the release. 

Grant payments to the PUD will be broken up into payments made of $200,000 for the remainder of this year and $630,000 in 2023 and 2024. 

“The new grant funding provided by the Weatherization Board will allow us to continue working with schools and community based nonprofit organizations to help improve their facilities and turning energy cost savings into additional services provided into the community,” Henry stated in the release.

Those who receive the grant money can use it for no-cost or low-cost assistance for ductless heat pumps and insulation work and rebates are also available for window and patio door work. 

The PUD is now accepting new low-income grant applications for residential energy efficiency improvements, stated the release. 

“The board recognizes the value in the services provided by the PUD as they are leveraging the funding board dollars with other incentives and covering more community members,” said Lori Schmitt, funding board member. “This most recent grant will target 160 or more low-income ductless heat pumps and at least 50 weatherization projects through 2024 and, target as many as 10 grant awards per year to community based non-profit organizations throughout Lewis County for energy efficiency improvements in their facilities.” 

The PUD is also accepting new applications from local nonprofit organizations and school districts to identify and potentially fund improvements to increase efficiency in their facilities. 

“We are excited to help people improve the energy efficiency of their homes,” said Alicia Harmanson, Energy Services Coordinator. “This funding program has already improved the lives of so many Lewis County residents including those who have had their homes updated and the contractors who have done the work. If you or someone you know may qualify for this great program, give us a call.”

The Weatherization Board was formed due to an agreement made between TransAlta and the state of Washington in 2011 to transition the Centralia plant away from coal-fired operations. One unit shut down in December 2020 and the second unit is scheduled to close in December 2025. 

For more information on the grant and to find out if you qualify and how to apply, contact the PUD’s Energy Services Department at 360-345-1493 or email them at energyservices@lcpud.org.