Lewis County Food Establishment Inspection Reports


Food Establishments With Violations: Red/Blue/Total

Plaza Jalisco, Chehalis 10/0/10

The walk-in was not quite cold enough, and all potentially hazardous foods  were cold holding between 42.5 and 45.1 F. All PHFs must be cold held at 41 F or below. Please adjust the air temperature down so that when the door is opened and closed, foods still stay at safe temperatures. Repair door handle so door can be easily closed. Please contact me when finished, which must be within two days. This is a repeat violation. (5 red)

Please provide the consumer advisory statement on each page where raw or undercooked animal products are offered, including steaks, eggs and any other item. Then add an asterisk to each food item and to the advisory statement. Please correct within one week. (5 red)

Inspection: Dec. 10

Riverside Bistro, Chehalis 20/0/20

Several food workers did not have valid food worker cards available, including one that expired in April. Please correct with one week and provide copies to the Health Department. (5 red)

Several potentially hazardous foods were cold holding between 45.6 and 50.4 F and must be kept at 41 F or below at all times. These were either discarded or transferred to the walk-in to cool, based on time and temperature. (10 red)

Lunch and dinner consumer advisories are very good and just need asterisks added to the eggs that can be added to burgers. The breakfast menu still does not have asterisks on items that can be requested undercooked. Please correct within two weeks and provide copies of all to the Health Department. (5 red)

Inspection: Dec. 14

Taco Bell, Chehalis 5/0/5

Many food workers did not have valid food worker cards available. Please correct within one week and submit copies to the Health Department. In addition, please submit a plan detailing how all food workers, including new employees, will maintain valid cards. This is a repeat violation. (5 red)

Inspection: Dec. 10

Food Establishments With Perfect Scores:

Avenue Espresso, Napavine

Dairy Queen, Centralia

Ethel Market & Sports, Ethel

Morton Senior Center, Morton

Somsiri Thai, Chehalis

Super Mini Mart, Napavine

Taco Bell, Centralia

Bucksnort Pub, Morton

The Pelican Mobile Food Unit, Onalaska

Tortas y Tacos Hernandez, Centralia

Twin Cities Senior Center, Chehalis

Olequa Senior Center, Winlock


Editor’s note: These figures are derived from inspections conducted by the Lewis County Public Health Department’s Food Safety Program.

Red violations are those most likely to cause foodborne illness and must be corrected at the time of inspection. Blue violations relate to overall cleanliness and operational conditions and must be corrected by established deadlines or by the next routine inspection.

Any establishment receiving 40 red points or any red point item repeated within an 18 month period is considered a high risk and must be reinspected. An establishment that receives 75 red points or 100 total points (red and blue) on a routine inspection or 40 red points on a repeat inspection will have their food establishment permit suspended.