Lewis County Fire District 6 to host car seat checkup event on March 8


Chehalis-area drivers with child safety seats in their vehicles, or with child safety seats that still need to be installed, can have a certified seat technician with Lewis County Fire District 6 inspect their car seats for proper installation.

District 6 will host a “car seat checkup event” at its main station, located at 2123 Jackson Highway in Chehalis, on Friday, March 8, from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. During the event, District 6 personnel will demonstrate the proper way to install a child safety seat and will inspect and adjust child safety seats in residents’ vehicles.

Attendees can also learn about Washington’s child safety passenger laws and check to see if their child is ready for a booster seat or a seatbelt.

The event serves as a certification event for a class of six District 6 members who are training to be child safety passenger seat technicians, according to the fire district. 

"According to the CDC, in 2021, 711 child passengers, ages 12 and younger, were killed in car crashes in the US. Of that 711, 36% were not buckled,” District 6 stated in a news release. “In an effort to eliminate this, Lewis County Fire District 6 is training its members to become car seat technicians. By means of this certification our members can inspect, adjust, and demonstrate the proper way to install a child safety seat.”

The March 8 event is limited to 18 vehicles, but residents can make an appointment with District 6 for a child safety seat inspection any time after March 8.

To reserve a spot at the March 8 event, visit https://tinyurl.com/ycy4es4r

To make an appointment for an inspection after March 8, call District 6 at 360-748-6019.

Lewis County Fire District 6 serves the communities of Adna and rural Chehalis. For more information on the district, visit https://lcfd6.org/