Letter to the editor: Ruts pose risks after recent roadwork


Last summer, a new overlay was installed on Jackson Highway south from Toledo south to the intersection with the freeway. To all appearances, it was a fine piece of roadwork. However, since the fall rains have ensued, it is obvious that lateral ruts are forming, which can influence vehicle control if deep enough and filled with water. These ruts will inevitably deepen with warm weather.

Not only that, but the hydraulic effect of tire impact at speed can inevitably cause potholes.

This is a very apparent design for construction error that could have been caused by any or all of four things:

1. Insufficient material

2. Insufficient rolling

3. Insufficient fines

4. Poor supervision

I would suggest an inspection (while raining) and correcting this problem when warm weather returns.

This is from a concerned adjacent resident and an ex-construction veteran.


Donald Buswell
