I read with interest the letter to the editor from Jerry Berry this morning regarding the botched investigation of the murder of Aron Christensen.
I am wondering if the deputy made the decision not to call detectives all by himself? Or if finding a dead body with what he knew was a gunshot wound would have meant he called the sheriff?
No one had the guts to tell the truth? In what may have been an accident?
Jesus wept.
I am wondering if the deputy is going to be thrown under the bus to save Sheriff Rob Snaza from this outrageous debacle. More arrogance from Snaza. That deputy will likely lose his job, and this needs to be investigated by other law enforcement agencies who are not so partisan.
I can't believe he got re-elected when Tracy Murphy was so much more qualified.
The good old boys in Lewis County have done it again. Stay insulated from the world. Stay inside your cage fearing everything outside it.
I certainly hope the next generation will bring Lewis County into the 2020s.
Katherine Ford