Getting Chehalis’ fiscal house in order: a call to freeze new spending


In these challenging times of rampant inflation, it’s imperative the Chehalis City Council take a hard look at our city’s finances. The responsible management of taxpayer dollars has always been at the forefront of our duties, but now, more than ever, we must take bold steps to get our city budget under control and freeze new spending.

Chehalis has grown and evolved over the years, and with that growth, the demands on our city services have increased. It’s only natural that we want to continue providing the best services possible to our residents, but we must do so within our means.

Freezing new spending doesn’t mean neglecting essential services or infrastructure projects. Instead, it means scrutinizing every proposed expense to ensure that it aligns with our city’s long-term financial sustainability. It means making tough decisions, prioritizing needs over wants and finding innovative ways to deliver services efficiently.

One crucial step in this process is to conduct a thorough review of our current budget. We need to identify areas where we can reduce costs without compromising the quality of services provided to our community. It’s essential that we engage with our city staff, listen to their suggestions and leverage their expertise to identify potential cost-saving measures.

Additionally, we should explore opportunities for partnerships and collaborations with neighboring municipalities and organizations. Sharing resources and services can be a cost-effective way to maintain or even enhance the quality of services we offer to our residents.

Furthermore, we must establish a clear and transparent process for evaluating new spending proposals. Every new expenditure must be subjected to a rigorous cost-benefit analysis. We should ask questions such as: “Is this expense essential,” “Can it wait” and “Are there alternative funding sources or grants available.” This approach will ensure that we prioritize projects that have the most significant positive impact on our community.

Communication is key throughout this process. We owe it to our residents to keep them informed about our financial challenges and the steps we are taking to address them. Public input and feedback are invaluable, and we should actively seek the perspectives of our constituents to make informed decisions that reflect their priorities.

Freezing new spending is not a sign of retreat; it’s a sign of responsible stewardship. We must act now to secure Chehalis’ financial future and ensure that we continue to be a vibrant, thriving community. It’s our duty as City Council members to make the tough decisions that will safeguard the well-being of our city and its residents.

Let’s work together to get Chehalis’ fiscal house in order, prioritize essential services and build a sustainable future for our community.


Kevin Carns and Daryl Lund are Chehalis City Council members