Clubs: Oakview Grange


Oakview Grange

     The Oakview Grange’s regular meeting on April 2 was held at the home of Lew Danforth and Gayle Mulligan, on Lincoln Creek Road.

For the evening program, Danforth demonstrated his new portable mill and its various capabilities for custom-cut lumber.

Following the program, members enjoyed hot dogs, potato salad and all the trimmings which were topped off with ice cream for dessert.

Oakview Grange 311 had closed its hall to the public due to abusive use by several renters. Five days and some 60 hours later, the hardwood floor in the main hall had been sanded and refinished.

As part of the Washington State Grange Family Living Department’s “The Heritage Trail of Grange Hall Quilts,” Oakview Grange members choose an oak leaf and acorn design to reflect Oakview Grange’s namesake. The wooden quilt block was hand drawn and painted by member Bob Spain.