Chehalis-Centralia Airport hosting second open house gathering public input as airport’s master plan update continues


Following the first of three open houses on Sept. 26 for Lewis County aviators who utilize the Chehalis-Centralia Airport to gather input as airport staff and consultants from the Aviation Planning Group update the airport’s master plan, the second open house is now scheduled for Tuesday, Jan. 23, according to an airport news release.

The open house will run from 5 to 7 p.m. at the airport’s Scott Crossfield Terminal, located at 880 NW Airport Road in Chehalis.

Required by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to get federal grant funding, airport master plans are comprehensive studies describing the short-, medium- and long-term development goals for future aviation demand at an airport. The last time the Chehalis-Centralia Airport’s master plan was updated was in 2001.

“This study is primarily funded by the FAA … A master plan study is not conducted to resolve airport maintenance, operations, property leasing, management and policies issues,” the release stated. “However, when these issues are identified during the master planning process, they will be documented and presented to airport management so that they can be considered outside of the master plan process.”

The master plan update will focus on a 20-year forecast for the Chehalis-Centralia Airport based on aviation operations and required facilities determined to be needed to facilitate those operations.

“This meeting will show draft alternative development concepts for input from the public,” the release added.

Public engagement is welcomed throughout the entire master plan update process. To sign up for master plan update email notifications and submit a comment to the update team, visit

To view the current draft Chehalis-Centralia Airport master plan draft, visit