Barn Stomp gathers support for Lewis County Farm Bureau


The Lewis County Farm Bureau held its first  Barn Stomp at Red Barn Studios in Adna on Sunday afternoon.

The public was invited to the free event to meet and talk with Lewis County farmers about their farms, ranches and the crops and animals they raise.

Attendees enjoyed food and drinks from various vendors as well as live music by Chris Guenther and the Honky Tonk Drifters to accompany the upstairs dance floor.

The event offered an opportunity for local farmers to make connections and for consumers to learn about locally sourced agriculture.

Lewis County Farm Bureau Past President and current Membership Chair Maureen Harkcom is hopeful that the Barn Stomp and future bureau social events will be the beginning of a reuniting among the Farm Bureau’s community.

“Since COVID, things have kinda fallen apart,” Harkcom said. “We want to really build our community and camaraderie back up to what it once was.”

The Lewis County Farm Bureau urges anyone interested in supporting local farmers to become a bureau member. Even those who are not in the agriculture business are invited to become a "friends of farmers” associate member.

Harkcom, who also serves on the Washington State Farm Bureau committee, stressed the importance of gaining support through new members.

“People need to understand that we need their voice. We need them to support us,” Harkcom said. “When I go to talk to the Legislature and say, ‘I represent 200 farmers in Lewis County, they don’t give a flying rip. But if I walk in and say, ‘I represent 10,000 families in Lewis County,’ that gets their attention.” 

The Lewis County Farm Bureau’s mission is to increase public awareness and support of agriculture and to positively impact the lives of farmers and ranchers in Lewis County.

To learn more about the Lewis County Farm Bureau or sign up to become a member or associate member, visit the bureau's website at