Department of Ecology Looking for Southwest Region Youth Corps Summer Job Applicants 


The Washington state Department of Ecology is looking for applicants between the ages of 14 and 17 to work this summer cleaning up roadways in Southwest Washington as a part of the Ecology Youth Corps. 

Ecology will hire 18 teenagers in Lewis, Thurston and Grays Harbor counties who will work in one of three regions: Chehalis, Olympia and Aberdeen. 

Cleanup work will commence on July 10 and end Aug. 17. Ecology Youth Corps members will be expected to work up to 32 hours per week. The work schedule is Monday through Thursday from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Those who are a part of the program will be paid $15.74 per hour and can earn a maximum of $3,022 for the season. 

Ecology Youth Corps members are also expected to be able to handle physical labor as well as walking between 3 and 10 miles per day and complete required safety training. 

According to an Ecology news release, crews typically pick up over 1 million pounds of trash per year while cleaning 4,000 miles of roads statewide.  

“Since 1975, the program has hired more than 12,000 Washington teens, offering them a meaningful summer job, valuable work experience and the chance to protect Washington’s environment for their own generation and the next,” stated the release. 

Students interested in applying should talk to their school counselor to learn about the online application process. 

Additionally, students can also visit the Ecology Youth Corps’ website at to apply and learn more.

Applications are due by April 20.