County: $620,000 Paid for 203 Animals at SWW Fair Junior Livestock Sale 


The Southwest Washington Fair brought big payoffs for Lewis County 4-H and FFA youth participating in the Junior Livestock Market Sale Aug. 19, according to a news release from the county.

More than $620,000 was paid for the 203 animals sold at the fair this year, the county announced.

“Incredible,” Lewis County Commissioner Sean Swope said of the figures. 

The money raised from area businesses and citizens during the livestock auction “was huge,” said WSU Lewis County Extension 4-H Youth Development Director Pam Watson. 

“A majority of the money raised goes directly to youth,” Watson said.

Watson shared with the Lewis County Board of Commissioners Tuesday that 167 kids from the county’s various 4-H and FFA programs participated at this year’s fair.

“We’re grateful for everyone that took time to make the fair event a good time,” Swope said. 

Lewis County Commissioner Lindsey Pollock thanked the volunteers who helps make the sale successful. 

“It’s a fantastic event that you see for one week, but the amount of back work that goes into it is just incredible, and there’s no way that this could be done without the heavy, heavy investment from volunteers in the community,” Pollock said.