Facebook readers react to “Seniors Sound Off Over Funding Cuts at County Commissioners Meeting:”


Christine Borte Mershon: Toledo Mighty Fine Seniors work hard all year to generate income to support their center. Pancake breakfast 13 times a year, (every second Saturday plus the last weekend).

Phillip J Elliott: Always seems those in charge of goverenment always pick on the seniors when budget cuts are needed. The feds, state are worse than the county. Think they need to cut their pay and benefits first? Maybe turn the heat and air conditioning down 5 degrees in all buildings. Cut travel and expenses. Parks have money they can lend as they spend so much on artworks and the other frivolous things like that.

Bill Bivdevoe: So sad how Edna used the seniors in Winlock, Toledo and Morton to win re-election and then turned around and kicked them to the curb. I hope she sleeps well at night.

Dee Dodd: Cutting funds for seniors is wrong on so many levels.

Pete Hammer: Go to the scheduled meetings and let them know how you feel! First one is at Olequa Senior Center in Winlock today at 12:30. If enough people speak up, they have to listen.

Christine Borte Mershon: In August during Threshing Bee, beef stew dinner in October, fried chicken dinner in May, clam chowder meal in March, Holiday Bazaar in December, raffles of quilts, items made by the woodcarvers group, miscellaneous donated items.

It’s hard for Seniors on limited incomes or with health issues to donate money and time to keep these events going, but somehow things get done. Without the county financial support, the Toledo seniors will not be able to keep their center functioning.

Chronline Comments

• Power Rankings: Old People, Trashy Pigs

and Zipped Lips

national: national

Well done, Aaron. More proof that elections have consequences and that you have to pay attention to the people you’re voting for. Name recognition may be the easiest and most common strategy among many (if not most) voters, but it’s not a very smart one and the people running for office are counting on that mindset to continue.

• Story: Industrial Park at TransAlta Works to Land Tenants as Another Site Reaches Completion

USERNAME: Frosted Flake

The city should ask the new administration if it too believes the manufacture and sale of thorium nuclear reactors should be done by the Chinese. Never heard of thorium? There are four things to know. You can’t make a bomb with it. That’s why we only have 2 thorium reactors, sitting in the open in Idaho. Rotting. Second thing is, when all heck breaks loose uranium melts. Unmitigated disaster. The worst that can happen to a thorium reactor is it will freeze. Which means the power stops until you fix it. “Oh, no!” The third thing is the waste is mostly recycled and the rest is inert in 300 years. And forth, there is about a billion years worth of fuel on this planet, with huge heaps lying behind every rare earth mill. It’s waste, you see. And refining it,  amounts to shoveling it into a bucket. Consequence is, you can trust a moron or a maniac with one of these reactors. They fit on a truck. Everyone and his dog is going to want one. So, instead of hoping “someone” is going to come here and build us a nebulous undescribed future, how ‘bout we do it ourselves? Just have the mayor call President Trump and ask, “Why don’t we build a hundred thousand thorium reactors right here in this strip mine? That way, we can sell them, instead of buy them.” I think he will get it. He seems to understand money.