Limited Columbia River salmon fishing reopening for anglers


The lower Columbia River will reopen for spring chinook salmon fishing this weekend and next, then for nearly a week in early June.

Oregon and Washington met by phone Wednesday and approved additional angling days in addition to one commercial tangle-net season.

Biologists said enough fish have passed Bonneville Dam to slightly exceed the preseason forecast (121,000 to 122,400) and meet a preseason buffer meant to ensure passage for tribal, upriver fisheries and wild salmon escapement.

Fishing dates will be this Friday, Saturday and Sunday, then May 25-27 and June 12-15.

Summer rules will open the river on June 16.

Opening dates apply only to the river below Bonneville. Anglers from Bonneville upriver have already met or exceeded their preseason quotas.

Rules remain the same; hatchery salmon or steelhead only, just one salmon daily and boat angling from Tongue Point to Beacon Rock, bank angling only from Beacon Rock to Bonneville.

The states also approved a 12-hour tangle-net (release non-hatchery fish) season for May 20.

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