Letters to the Editor: Elite Bankers Know How Dire Our Economy Is, We Need Lawmaker Who Cares About Vets, It’s Simple: Here Are the Facts on Gender Issue


Elite Bankers Know How Dire Our Economy Is

The world economy is Plato’s cave. Since the crash in 2008, the bankers have created an ersatz economy that was projected as a recovery and restoration of growth. But it was just a mirage created from phony money conjured up by central banks.

All the wealth was flushed during the 2008 crash. The quantity of debt owed can never be paid back because the math just does not work. The elite bankers all know this, as does Janet Yellen, Federal Reserve chairwoman; Jack Lew, secretary of the treasury; Christine Lagarde, IMF managing director; and Mario Draghi, president of the European Central Bank.

It’s all just smoke and mirrors. The mirror is broken and the smoke is quickly dissipating. At this point it appears that they are looking for an event, maybe war, or possibly the Brexit to blame the collapse on. They’ve created this international financial disaster, but they will claim no responsibility for its collapse, nor its worldwide devastation.

The only choice they have is a reset and a reboot, but this will create an earth-shaking traumatic shock felt around the world. They know that this event will lead to wide-scale civil unrest, especially in America as the dollar loses it international status.

There is no easy way out at this point. The unrest is certain, what is not certain is the timing, the death count, or how much force will be required to eventually restore order. It won’t be pretty but you can bank on its inevitability.

As in Plato’s allegory of the people in the cave, looking at shadows on the wall cast by puppeteers and assuming them to be reality, what an appropriate picture of most Americans today. Unwilling to even venture to look behind the curtain to see who the real puppet-masters are, or what they are up to, they therefore are walking blindly towards social, financial and spiritual destruction. 

America may have just celebrated it final day of freedom, not that there is much freedom left to celebrate in our anti-Christian nation with its lawless government and militarized police state.


Dick Knolls


We Need Lawmaker Who Cares About Vets

Veterans serve our country day in and out, risking their lives and being prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice, if needed. They are our husbands, our wives, our sons, our daughters, our relatives, our close friends, our neighbors and people we don’t even know.

They may be Democrats, Republicans, independents or unaffiliated. Mostly they are unsung heroes. After serving abroad for numerous tours, they return. Some are physically intact but impacted by the trauma of war; others are physically disabled. Reintegration into normal, American life can be difficult for them. 

Supports are minimal for those who have been exposed to the devastation of war and have lost their brothers and sisters in arms. Our veterans need a fair break. It’s not a matter of money. It’s a moral issue.

We need someone in Congress to be a voice for our veterans. David McDevitt is such a person. He is a retired U.S. Army officer and is the only candidate running for the 3rd Congressional District in Washington who is a veteran. He understands the needs of veterans, and he will be a strong voice for this often forgotten, important group.

I’m voting for David McDevitt in the upcoming Washington primary on Aug. 2 (don’t forget that our mail-in ballots will arrive 18 days prior to Aug. 2), because I know he will stand up for the rights of all veterans. 

He will support better, more effective and efficient health care, job training and services to reintegrate our veterans. Please join me in making David McDevitt our next member of Congress in Washington’s 3rd Congressional District.

Jim MacRae

La Center 

It’s Simple: Here Are the Facts on Gender Issue

To my radically ignorant, gender-hating friend, let’s keep this simple:

1. Male and female will always mean something; no matter how loud gender-haters scream, no matter how many laws and regulations their corrupt allies impose.

2. If you want to pretend gender is not fundamental, you might as well pretend gravity is a matter of self-identification.

3. If you want to experiment with what happens when men (for any excuse) use the same shower facilities as girls, you are an idiot who needs help.

4. If you want to experiment with what happens when women are compelled to serve in combat roles, and are captured by male enemy soldiers, you are an idiot who needs help.

To my radically spineless, gender-affirming friends, let’s keep this simple:

1. If you’re too scared to speak-up against this idiocy, you are speaking for it and are complicit in the terrible consequences that will result.

2. When ignorance and indecency are codified in law and regulation, rational people must overturn them.

3. If decent, rational people surrender to this assault on gender, civilization is doomed. 

Ted Bowes