Letters: June 30, 2015


Former Cheerleader Lauds New Bearcat Logo

I was pretty amazed to read all the negative comments about the new Bearcat logo. The instant I saw it I was really impressed with its artfulness and fierceness. 

I would have been proud to wear it on my 1960 cheerleader uniform — the year our team took the state championship in basketball. Yea! 

Bonnie Jean Ione



Financial Trio Trying to Destroy Greece

For one who follows the international events unfolding in the world, it is quite obvious that the troika (International Monetary Fund, European Union and European Central Bank) are war criminals, seeding the fields for massive human death. They are using their positions deliberately to destroy a nation (Greece), which is an act of war by anyone’s definition. And because they are doing it through criminal methods, they are war criminals guilty of crimes against humanity.

It is one thing for economic disaster to occur through the idiocy of players; it is another completely to deliberately cause an economic disaster with foreknowledge it will result in death, societal destruction, anarchy and all the other inhumane consequences that the troika knows — and is using this certain knowledge — to inflict terrorism on any nation. The troika have perfected this practice to a fine art, applying it with differing degrees of pressure on other European nations.

Greece has the right to survive and be free of this terrorism. In the most clear and direct terms, the leaders of these institutions, and the heads of state and their cabinet ministers who are participating in these crimes, must immediately be forcibly removed from society and the ECB and the IMF replaced by national or local banking institutions controlled by the people of each individual nation.

The concept of a united Europe and a single currency has been from the start the international bankers’ much desired goal to control the money of these individual nations, thus controlling the people and creating a neo-feudal form of government. The enrichment of the common man is not in their playbook. By now, most astute people are awaking to that reality that the international banking cabal is no friend but a declared enemy of the working man.

If not checked by Greece, the troika will extend that more aggressive model to other, larger countries. They will redouble the austerity at home under cover of the next financial crisis by eliminating cash as a safe haven, and begin the steady stream of digital “bail-ins.”

America, don’t think for a moment that we here at home are exempt. Our own troika, the IMF, Federal Reserve and your bank of choice (Citi, Bank of America, Wells Fargo and Chase) have each of us in their sights. It’s only a matter of time before the vice, which is already in place, is applied to you and me. 

Dick Knolls 



Murray Hurting Families With Trade Decision

Patty Murray and other senators have turned their back on working families. The vote to give Obama fast-track authority on the trade agreement was a terrible decision. You, Patty Murray, will be responsible for great job losses, and you know it. That is why you and others tout this “worker retraining/assistance.”

Ya, who is going to hire a 50-year-old with a computer science degree competing with newly graduated 22-year-olds (as an example). My family, friends and others will suffer. They will lose their jobs.

Instead of scratching Obama’s back and helping to build his “legacy,” how about doing what is right for the people of Washington and the nation? I hope that you end up losing contributions, support and your job. Maybe you will get some of the “worker retraining” you and others tout so highly.

Brooke Hollinger



Tears of Joy Come After Supreme Court Ruling

Well, after some 25 years into this issue, and dialogues and actions with the Catholic and Protestant churches all over the country on gay marriage, guess what the Supreme Court’s ruling did it for me on Friday? When the gay men’s choir sang “The Star Spangled Banner,” I cried! 

I am  feeling nothing but the joy and truth and justice now here. No more discrimination of people because of who they are. Thank you, all my friends, our allies — we have arrived to freedomland and equal protection.

Remember, all my dear young and old relentless friends and allies: People do the bending — “God is love,” “God is a spirit” and “God in you (is) the hope of glory ...”

People bend the moral/justice arch with truth.

Cindy Hadden
