Letter to the Editor: Global Warming Causes Strange New Breeds


Global warming is causing some strange effects on the animal kingdom.  Climate change is pushing many species into what scientists call “Hybrid Zones” — overlapping ranges where interbreeding becomes more likely.

There have been worried scientists regarding the plight of the Polar Bear because of the melting ice, but what is now happening is that the Polar Bears are crossing into the grizzly zone. They are interbreeding and the researchers call them “pizzlies.”

The Canada lynx has come down from the Northern forests and have mated with the bobcats.  After reading what scientists call the offspring of the polar bear–grizzly union, I can only guess that the bobcat-lynx will be called the “Bob-o-lynk,” not to be confused with the “Bob-O-Link Bird.”

 Another phenomenon is the southern squirrel that is mooching their way into the northern states. That scenario is not good. A the southern nuts are drying up for lack of water, the northern nuts are looking pretty good.

I’m thinking we could see another civil war, the south against the north, with the north having to defend their territorial habitat.


Thomas R. Hicker
