Letter to the Editor: Are You Ready to WalkAway?


The #WalkAway movement is gaining strength as Democrats quit their party and either sign on with the GOP or turn into independent voters. Thus far there are 400,000 testimonials from former Democrats who have quit the party.

The WalkAway movement was started by gay New Yorker Brandon Straka who realized that the Democrat Party is not only not serving its voters, but is un-American.

“It really opened my eyes to how they are manipulating minority groups, manipulating African-Americans, gay people and I wanted to do something about it so I started something called the Walkaway Campaign,” Straka recently said, according to godfatherpolitics.com.

I have been very impressed with this movement, not only because they have finally decided to walk away from the Democratic Party; but also because of calm, well-spoken reasons they are walking away. 

How many times have you seen the Democrats yelling and screaming at non-believers?  We are the “deplorables,” bigots, racists, sexists, homophobes, etc.  They are tormenting and harrassing republican leaders in restaurants, on the street and even in the hallways of congress.  (Thanks to Senator Maxine Waters.)

Go to YouTube or Facebook and key in “WalkAway.”  You will find hundreds of people that have taken the time to record their views on why they are walking away. All of the videos I’ve watched were well thought out; clearly and calmly stated and refreshing. For that, as staunch conservative Republicans; we welcome you.


Bob Benjamin,
