Letter: Can Nations Really Chart Their Own Path?


President Donald Trump said, “America respects the right of all nations to chart their own path.” Yet the U.S. ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley contradicted Trump’s statement by repeating the lie that Crimea was somehow “stolen” by Russia. Which is it? Someone is either lying or there is conflict between Trump and his appointees.

The people of Yemen decided to “chart their own path” and now face famine due to the U.S. and U.K. backed destruction of possibly the poorest nation on Earth. It appears that Trump has given Saudi Arabia the “green light” to continue the chaos in Yemen.

The people of Syria were “charting their own path” before March 2011 when paid mercenaries by the tens of thousands were unleashed on that country with the sole purpose of overthrowing the government, literally destroying the lives of millions of innocent men, women and children in the now six-year process.

Neither Trump nor anyone in his administration, to my knowledge, has made formal diplomatic contact with the elected Syrian government, instead without congressional debate or authorization from the U.N., the Trump administration has inserted “boots on the ground” into Syria making clear the hypocrisy of “respecting” nations “charting their own path.” Remember, America was not invited into Syria and is therefore there illegally.

The same can be said of Libya, Somalia, Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan and the resulting destruction caused by the migration of both immigrants and terrorists throughout Europe. Sadly, this will forever change the face and culture of Europe.

If President Trump’s heart was “rightly positioned” he would have by now removed and prosecuted the criminal cabal of bankers (Federal Reserve, Goldman Sachs and J.P. Morgan Chase), traitorous politicians (Obama, Clintons, Bushes, Ryan, Pelosi, McCain, Graham, etc.) and globalist (Rockefeller, Soros and most neo-cons) who have blocked hard-working Americans from “charting their own path.” But what has he done is he’s filled the “swamp” with more of the criminal bottom-feeders.

If Trump’s heart was guided by the most basic of human convictions, the protection of our most vulnerable, the children, those involved in pedophilia, child sex trafficking and murdering of the unborn would be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Don’t the children deserve the right to grow-up and “chart their own path”?

Finally, if Trump’s heart was working properly would he not recognize that no nation can exist for long without “the rule of law.” Those that have for years stolen, swindled, cheated and robbed our nation blind for their own lustful ends, be they politicians, CEOs, bankers and hedge funds, would have their ill-gotten gains confiscated and dispersed to the neediest of Americans, all done of course through the court system.

Am I holding my breath anticipating any or all of these needed reforms to transpire? Not hardly! Looking at the moral decay throughout our nation, couple with the beating of the war drums and our financial insolvency, our nation may be in its last days.

Dick Knolls
