County, Chehalis Addressing Failing Septic Systems on Coal Creek Road


Septic systems are failing in a residential area of 10 to 12 homes on the hillside of Coal Creek Road in Chehalis, just east of Vintage senior housing, according to Chehalis Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator Patrick Wiltzius

“Many of them have failing septic systems. Its been going on for years and years,” Wiltzius said.

“It’s becoming an issue the county wants to pursue and get corrected.”

Wiltzius updated the Chehalis City Council on Tuesday night about the issue.

Lewis County Commissioner Lee Grose — who was scheduled to speak at the council meeting Tuesday, but was absent — previously told Witzius the county will send out letters to the residents. A public meeting has been scheduled at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, June 18 at the county court house.

Septic systems are the responsibility of the county, Witzius said.

Chehalis is working with the county on cost estimates and is offering to hook up the residents to the city’s system, which is about 800 feet away, according to Witzius.

“Hook to city sewer is their only option because according to the county there is not enough land,” Witzius said.