Local Leaders To Engage With Congresswoman To Protect Early Childhood Program Funding


The United Way of Lewis County and Fight Crime: Invest in Kids are set to meet with Congresswoman Jaime Herrera Beutler on Monday to both thank her for supporting funding for early childhood programs and encourage her to support it in the future.

Lewis County Sheriff Rob Snaza, Centralia Chief of Police Carl Nielsen, United Way of Lewis County Executive Director Debbie Campbell, Centralia College Children’s Lab School Director Teresa Schneider and Washington State Director for Fight Crime: Invest in Kids Erica Hallock are set to attend this event.

Rep. Herrera Beutler and Lewis County law enforcement leaders are set to read to children at the Centralia College Children’s Lab School. They will also call on state and federal lawmakers to protect increased funding for early childhood programs moving forward.

Earlier this year, Rep. Herrera Beutler voted in favor of the FY18 Omnibus Appropriations Bill, which increased funding for Head Start, Preschool Development Grants and the Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG).

Studies show that early childhood programs not only lead to healthier children (and adults), but ultimately save money.

A press release from Fight Crime: Invest in Kids stated that a cost-benefits analysis from almost 20 different studies of preschool programs showed that, for every child served, the average “profit” to society is $34,000.

The event is set to take place at Centralia College Children’s Lab School on Monday, July 2 from 1:30 p.m. until 2:30 p.m.