Washington small game hunters and trappers are now required to submit the lower jaw of any bobcat they harvest as part of the mandatory pelt sealing process following a rule update finalized through the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife’s (WDFW) most recent season setting process.
“WDFW will now collect the lower jaw from bobcats harvested in Washington so we can use the canine teeth to determine the age structure of harvested bobcats and track changes over time,” said Stephanie Landry, WDFW carnivore, furbearer and small game section manager. “Bobcat canine teeth cannot be removed as easily as the teeth of other species, which is why the bobcat’s entire lower jaw must be submitted.”
Data collected during pelt sealing, including age of harvested bobcats, will allow WDFW to better manage the state’s bobcat populations into the future and provides an opportunity for hunters and trappers to play an important role in conserving bobcats by helping monitor bobcat populations, the WDFW stated in a news release.
Pelts must be sealed by April 20.
For more information, hunters and trappers should refer to the latest season and regulation information, specifically the “Other Small Game Seasons” section of the “Game Bird and Small Game Hunting Regulations” or the “Furbearer Trapping Regulations.”
WDFW has prepared resources to help hunters and trappers comply with these new requirements, including instructions on how to remove the lower jaw and how to request that WDFW return your bobcat jaw to you after removing the canines. These resources are available on WDFW’s website.
Hunters and trappers may also contact WDFW at wildthing@dfw.wa.gov or 360-902-2515 with questions.
For more information about season setting, visit wdfw.wa.gov/hunting/regulations/season-setting. To learn more about the latest regulations, visit wdfw.wa.gov/hunting/regulations.