Congresswoman Maire Gluesenkamp Perez stands with Tenino Mayor Wayne Fournier after presenting the City of Tenino with a congressional record and cutting the city’s birthday cake during Tenino’s 150th Jubilee at Tenino City Park on Saturday, July 8.
Emily Fitzgerald /
Chalk art done by attendees of Tenino’s 150th Jubilee covers a closed intersection in Tenino on Saturday, July 8. The piece, called “Tenino’s Birthday Card,” was organized by Tenino Arts and will remain on display until the forces of nature wash it away.
news.230711.Tenino150.3.ef: Jody Becker poses beside her chalk contribution to Tenino’s Birthday Card in Tenino on Saturday, July 8.
Emily Fitzgerald /
Jody Becker poses beside her chalk contribution to Tenino’s Birthday Card in Tenino on Saturday, July 8.
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Vesta Loomis brushes water over her chalk art promoting Tenino Young-At-Heart Theatre’s upcoming show on Tenino’s Birthday Card on Saturday, July 8.
Emily Fitzgerald /
The America’s First Corps Band Brass Quintet performs at Tenino’s 150th Jubilee at Tenino City Park on Saturday, July 8.
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Cub scouts chisel away at a block of sandstone under the supervision of Tony Cutler of the Tenino Stone Carvers during Tenino’s 150th Jubilee at Tenino City Park on Saturday, July 8.
Emily Fitzgerald /
Jesse, 6, catches a pack of Swedish Fish during a fishing game set up by Tenino PTSA during Tenino’s 150th Jubilee at Tenino City Park on Saturday, July 6.
Emily Fitzgerald /
Liam Calquhoun wheels his ducks to the start of the Silly Procession and General Hullabaloo Walking Parade at Tenino City Park during Tenino’s 150th Jubilee on Saturday, July 8.
Emily Fitzgerald /
Masha Reeves walks her dog, Bindi, in the Silly Procession and General Hullabaloo Walking Parade at Tenino City Park during Tenino’s 150th Jubilee on Saturday, July 8.
Emily Fitzgerald /
Silly Procession and General Hullabaloo Walking Parade participants wave during Tenino’s 150th Jubilee in Tenino City Park on Saturday, July 8.
news.230711.Tenino150.11.ef: Vivian gets her face painted during Tenino’s 150th Jubilee in Tenino City Park on Saturday, July 8.
Emily Fitzgerald /
Vivian gets her face painted during Tenino’s 150th Jubilee in Tenino City Park on Saturday, July 8.
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Briar, 2, rides a pony led by an Our Soggy Bottom Ranch attendee during Tenino’s 150th Jubilee in Tenino City Park on Saturday, July 8.
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Stevee, 12, smiles from a photo from her Stevee’s Sweet Snacks vehicle at Tenino City Park during Tenino’s 150th Jubilee on Saturday, July 8.
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Tenino Food Bank representatives pose for a photo during Tenino’s 150th Jubilee at Tenino City Park on Saturday, July 8. The food bank offered free water to event attendees.
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Tenino Stone Carvers Keith Phillips, who was also one of the three judges of the event’s talent show, and Tony Cutler pose for a photo during Tenino’s 150th Jubilee at Tenino City Park on Saturday, July 8.
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Tenino Stone Carvers Keith Phillips, who was also one of the three judges of the event’s talent show, and Tony Cutler pose for a photo during Tenino’s 150th Jubilee at Tenino City Park on Saturday, July 8.
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Danielle and Alex pose with dogs Luca and Ollie at Tenino Arts Creative Market in downtown Tenino during Tenino’s 150th Jubilee on Saturday, July 8.
Emily Fitzgerald /
Congresswoman Marie Glusenkamp Perez hands Tenino Mayor Wayne Fournier a congressional record recognizing Tenino’s 150th birthday while Dave Champagne of Castle Realty, the MC of the event’s talent show, looks on during Tenino’s 150th Jubilee at Tenino City Park on Saturday, July 8.
Emily Fitzgerald /
Tenino High School Art Teacher Ella Caplan, right, sits beside art student Allison Kalkus at Tenino High School’s Aspiring Artists booth at the Tenino Arts Creative Market in Tenino during Tenino’s 150th Jubilee on Saturday, July 8.
Emily Fitzgerald /
A birthday cake celebrating Tenino’s 150th birthday sits on display in Tenino City Park during Tenino’s 150th Jubilee on Saturday, July 8.
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Madeline Roy and Megan Christensen pose for a photo at Tenino Young-At-Heart Theatre’s booth in Tenino City Park during Tenino’s 150th Jubilee on Saturday, July 8.
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River, 9, lines up a put at the Tenino School District Athletic Club’s booth in Tenino City Park during Tenino’s 150th Jubilee on Saturday, July 8.
Emily Fitzgerald /