Letter to the Editor: Who Will Vote for the Gold Reserve Transparency Act?


U.S. Rep. Alex Mooney, of West Virginia, has put H.R. 3526 in the hands of Congress.

This bill asks for accountability to audit U. S. gold reserves, including purity, any and all encumbrances or loans against the reserves owned by the citizens of our country.

He has asked Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen for responses to simple questions which continue to go unanswered. The Gold Reserve Transparency Act of 2021 sits on the desk of the House Financial Services Committee with no cosponsorship.

For decades, a large portion of the gold reserves of U.S. citizens, entrusted to the corrupt government, have been stored in the vaults of the New York Federal Reserve.

There is evidence the treasury has possibly raided, traded, sold, leased or placed liens against these reserves over many decades of non-disclosure or allowing a true audit; the last audit occurred during Dwight Eisenhower’s presidency.

No one seems to care if our country's gold reserves have been fraudulently diminished while under control of the U. S. government.

Liken this to your home and property used as collateral by elected officials without your knowledge.

In the last 15 years, government debt has skyrocketed. Debt ceilings don’t impede out of control spending, just increase the limit on the fiat credit card called the treasury. The official checkbook of the United States of America carries a balance of zero, it only has an unlimited credit card with near zero interest payment.

In the next 18 months, or sooner, when interest rates move higher, the already insolvent government will have to borrow to pay debt interest.

Even with all this data available to every congressional representative and senator, they close their eyes and raise their hands to vote to spend trillions of dollars we don’t have.

Not one Washington state representative has stepped up to cosponsor this bill. Efforts to get answers as to why not have fallen on deaf ears. It seems more important to pass other legislation that increases our national debt even further.

The dollar, as the world reserve currency, carries such privilege based on over 8 metric tons of gold only claimed to be held in U. S. vaults.

No proof is on record for over 60 years.

The basket of world currencies is given a percentage of voting power at the International Monetary Fund, and the U. S. currently carries the biggest stick. Russia and China, along with other countries, are accumulating gold to their central banks faster than any time in history. Several countries no longer trade in dollars as it loses purchasing power, eventually to fail.

Also, under the treasury's brilliant business model, it costs 4 cents to make one penny.

So, as H.R. 3526, the Gold Reserve Transparency Act of 2021, comes closer to a possible vote, will our congressional representatives call for accountability?

Wait for the yeas and nays to be counted and published, so we may all see the true priorities of our senators and representatives.


Rick Yearout
