Letter to the Editor: Reader ‘Emphatically’ Supports McDougall in School District Race


I am writing to emphatically support Mandi McDougall in her campaign for election as a member of the Board of Directors for Centralia School District. I have known Mandi in many capacities, as a professional businesswoman, fellow PTO volunteer, MOPS coordinator, and, most importantly, as a mom of a fellow student in Centralia’s schools. Mandi has been willing to pitch in and volunteer whenever and however is needed, and has been a vocal supporter of our schools. She is a Tiger alum herself, and her life’s work has been to continue to try and better the community she grew up in, and now lives and raises her family in. 

She knows that our current school district has areas where improvement is needed. She is a huge proponent of more transparency in fiscal situations, in communications, in decision making, and in negotiations. She is an educated, informed, and determined citizen of Centralia who truly wants what is best for all of our children, and our community as a whole. She’s not in this race for any hidden agenda, she just wants to do her part to ensure the best education possible for her children, my child, and yours. Please join me in voting for Mandi McDougall for Centralia School Board- it is well past time for a change on this board.


Katie Hackett
