Letter to the Editor: Mandi McDougall Is a True Tiger



Thank you for taking a moment to read this. I am happy and excited to be supporting Mandi McDougall in her campaign for Centralia School District. Although Mandi’s family and mine have crossed paths for many years, I have only known Mandi for a short time. It was out of great concern with our district that Mandi and I became acquainted and now someone I consider a friend. 

Mandi’s resume of qualifications for a seat on the school board is something we should all be proud of, she is a true Tiger. She pours her heart back into our community. She is vested in Centralia and would like to see our community be a place where we are once again proud to call home and send our children to school.  

One of my favorite things about Mandi and something that sticks out most to me, is the remarkable way she builds relationships with those that she encounters. I truly believe that the key to success in all we do is a direct result of the relationships we have with those involved. Mandi can bring that trust back to the school board. The relationships between school board members, administration, teachers, and other district employees along with parents and students are key to success. A strong school district is relevant to the kind of community in which we live. We will attract what we have to offer. With rapid growth on the horizon, which way would you like to see the pendulum swing? 

I will be voting with confidence and my hope is that you will do the same.


Monica Laufenberg
