In Lewis County, we are fortunate to have two excellent candidates for our top county leadership jobs in November’s election. Besides being genuinely nice people, Harry O. Bhagwandin and Tracy Murphy are both highly experienced and qualified, love Lewis County and want to continue their careers in public service as our Lewis County commissioner and Lewis County sheriff.
Both candidates have lived their lives here and understand the uniqueness and livability of Lewis County. Both have long histories of community and public service applicable to the positions they seek.
Every organization, including the county government, needs good new people to move into the leadership roles. Changing times require people with strong ethics bringing their experience, innovative ideas and new enthusiasm to these offices. This year, we have such candidates in both Harry Bhagwandin and Tracy Murphy.
Let us not miss this opportunity to put two exceptionally good people in these offices. Elect Harry Bhagwandin for Lewis County commissioner (District 3) and Tracy Murphy for Lewis County sheriff.
Watch your mailbox for more information on these excellent candidates.
Bill Serrahn