Letter to the Editor: Biden Is Precisely the Right Man for the Moment 


In a recent letter, Mitchel Townsend enumerates (without evidence) what he views as the many inadequacies of President Joe Biden and the Democrats. 

Regarding the Chinese spy balloon episode, if he or any other right-wing MAGA cultists had listened or watched anything other than what conservative columnist George Will accurately calls the "angertainment" channels like FOX, Newsmax or Alex Jones, they would have known almost from the beginning that it was the military that wished to shoot down the balloon over shallow water so they could retrieve it and learn about its capabilities. That is exactly what they did. Their concern was if it was shot down over land it would crash and burn up before any information could be retrieved. President Biden was following their advice as he stated and as he should have. 

Mr. Townsend concludes his letter saying, “At what point do you (Democrats) look in the mirror and finally admit this is all your fault for blindly voting for these people? At what point do you hang your head in shame if you have any?”

I voted for Joe Biden and the Democrats. I would never hang my head in shame for that. Never. It is President Biden's optimism and faith in our democracy that will get us through the vicious MAGA disinformation assault on facts, our freedoms, our intellect and maybe most importantly, our trust in each other. The constant drumbeat of "fear your neighbor" on angertainment networks and social media has created a hair-trigger, road-rage society. With all the firearms available to virtually anyone does it come as a surprise that a young woman in rural New York is shot and killed simply for turning around in the wrong driveway? The shooter has never before been arrested or convicted of a crime in New York and he and his wife have more than thirty years of  "deep roots" in the community.

President Biden, old as he is, is precisely the right man for the moment. His rallying of NATO to oppose Vladimir Putin's Adolf Hitler-style, unprovoked aggression against Ukraine has been masterful. This, after Putin's poodle, Donald Trump, went out of his way to try to destroy NATO and by all accounts would have had he won a second term.

I did hang my head in abject disgust watching excerpts of “suspend the Constitution" Trump's recent emetic interview with FOX's $787.5 million dollar liar Tucker Carlson. The former president of the United States cheerily praised Russia's Putin, China's Xi Jinping and North Korea's Kim Jung-Un as very smart. “Top of the line. Smart. Top line. They're all top of the line.” 

Anyone with a passing knowledge of the world or history would describe all three as very brutal dictators concerned only about their own power. Furthermore all three have recently made some extremely stupid miscalculations. 

Perhaps if Mr. Townsend wishes to enjoy the fruits of “top of the line” leadership he should emigrate to North Korea.


Marty Ansley
