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In Focus: Ribbon Cutting for Complete Hearing and Balance in Chehalis
The Centralia-Chehalis Chamber of Commerce hosts a ribbon cutting ceremony at Complete Hearing and Balance in Chehalis on Thursday. The business, located at 1817 S. Market Blvd. in Chehalis, is owned by Dr. Alison Vega. Vega brings more than 20 years of professional health experience to each of her practices. A Pacific Northwest native, she obtained her bachelor’s degree in speech pathology and audiology from Western Washington University and her doctoral degree in audiology from Utah State University. Vega opened her first practice in 2011 in Olympia, formally known as Ascent Audiology and Hearing, which focused on comprehensive audiology care. After working with an ENT practice for several years, Vega recognized the need for an audiology practice that provides testing for patients of any age and utilizes all treatment options available, according to the chamber. Before opening her practice, patients would have to travel to either Portland or Seattle for the same specialized testing. Vega was approached by the owner of Pinnacle Audiology in Chehalis last year about purchasing the practice and was able to take over and move in by October. Complete Hearing and Balance also has a location in Lacey that opened on Jan. 26. Find out more about Complete Hearing and Balance at www.completehearing.com.
Jared Wenzelburger / jared@chronline.com
Food and foam ears sit on display during a Centralia-Chehalis Chamber of Commerce ribbon cutting ceremony at Complete Hearing and Balance in Chehalis on Thursday.
Jared Wenzelburger / jared@chronline.com
Decorated cookies sit on display during a Centralia-Chehalis Chamber of Commerce ribbon cutting ceremony at Complete Hearing and Balance in Chehalis on Thursday.
Jared Wenzelburger / jared@chronline.com
Complete Hearing and Balance is located at 1817 South Market Boulevard, Suite B, in Chehalis.
Jared Wenzelburger / jared@chronline.com
The interior of Complete Hearing and Balance is seen during a Centralia-Chehalis Chamber of Commerce ribbon cutting ceremony in Chehalis on Thursday.