Congresswoman introduces U.S. House resolution to rename Bucoda’s post office after late Mayor Rob Gordon 


U.S. Rep. Marie Gluesenkamp Perez, D-Skamania, has introduced a new bipartisan U.S. House resolution — HR 9421 — that, if approved, will officially rename the U.S. Postal Service post office in Bucoda the Mayor Rob Gordon Post Office in honor of the town’s late mayor. 

The post office is located at 108 N. Main St. in Bucoda. 

Along with being mayor, Robert “Rob” Gordon, 42, also served as the Bucoda Fire Department’s assistant chief and had been serving as a firefighter since he was a teenager. He also ran his own trucking company and the family’s ranch in town.

Rob died on June 3 following a nearly eight-month battle with cancer. He is survived by his two children, Jakob and Anna Gordon, and his wife, Miriam Gordon. Miriam was recently selected to serve on the Bucoda Town Council.

On Tuesday, Aug. 27, the Bucoda Town Council officially passed a motion supporting HR 9421, according to a news release from Gluesenkamp Perez’s office. 

“Rob served the town of Bucoda selflessly and proudly for many years as a firefighter, assistant fire chief, councilman and then mayor,” Miriam said in the release. “He went above and beyond in all he did to make the town a better place for all of its residents. He wanted to make sure it would once again be a place where children, especially his own Jakob and Anna, could ride bikes and play without worry. He loved this small town and gave so much of himself and time to it. I don’t think anyone would disagree with me in saying Rob became the backbone of this town in the short time he was given. He would never expect anything like this and, being the humble man he was, he would shy away from it. However, I know if he was here now he would be extremely honored to have the town’s post office named after him. Jakob, Anna, myself and Rob’s family are very thankful for what everyone has done to honor and remember Rob, especially this. Thank you.”

During his time as mayor, Rob worked closely with Gluesenkamp Perez to obtain federal funding to purchase a new fire engine to replace the aging engine currently used by the Bucoda Fire Department. She is still working to get that funding for the new engine through congressional community project funding. 

“Mayor Gordon was the epitome of a servant leader, with an incredible work ethic and impact on our community that cannot be understated. He represents the best of Southwest Washington — serving as a firefighter since the age of 16, maintaining his haul trucks himself, and passing on important skills and values to his children,” Gluesenkamp Perez said. “Rob was tough, fair-minded and always gave people the opportunity to be the best version of themselves. His passing is a true loss for our community, but his life of service and dedication will remain forever. I’m grateful to have had the chance to know and work alongside him — and by renaming Bucoda’s post office, we can help preserve his legacy and inspire future generations of leaders.” 

HR 9421’s cosponsors include U.S. Reps. Suzan DelBene, Rick Larsen, Dan Newhouse, Cathy McMorris Rodgers, Derek Kilmer, Pramila Jayapal, Kim Schrier, Adam Smith and Marilyn Strickland. 

To read HR 9421, visit