Letter to the Editor: We Should Criminalize Male Masturbation


Good people of Lewis County, it is high time we call upon our elected officials in Olympia to draft into law a bill that will save thousands if not millions of innocent human lives. That is, I call upon our elected leaders to formally ban male masturbation.

Now I understand the rationale of this. You’re probably thinking but how can we possibly enforce this? My solution is that we teach antimasturbation ideology in our schools. We tell boys that they are committing murder every time they do the shameful deed. 

If a young man over the age of 18 must do so he must go to a clinic and be shown images of all of the scientists who have cured horrible diseases because their fathers did not lose half their DNA to selfish pleasures. 

The world would not have cancer, diabetes or other diseases if only those sperm were not murdered! They must then wait two days before returning to the clinic. These clinics should by no means be covered by insurance or public funding lest they infringe upon the Hyde Amendment, which protects the life of the unborn.

Male masturbation is a sin against the Lord and against humanity. The Bible clearly teaches us that the senseless spilling of one’s seed is so horrific the Almighty once smote a man who committed this crime (Genesis 38:8-10). 

As a county based on Judeo-Christian values we must uphold these principles. America has become too lax in allowing sin to become normalized. 

Good people of Lewis County, I urge you to join the fight against this abomination and petition our leaders to end this silent atrocity.


Beth Vander Stoep
