Letter to the Editor: Support Edna Fund for County Commission


My wife and I would like to go on record as supporting and endorsing the re-election of Edna Fund to the office she currently holds, Lewis County Commissioner District 1. 

I have seen Edna in action up close in numerous county functions and meetings. Edna is real and she’s competent. Edna is as energetic as a 20 year old and works tirelessly for our county. Edna is extremely savvy of the issues that affect Lewis County and she is tenacious about getting things accomplished the right way for the good of the county. Edna is a person of integrity and is as down to earth as a person can be. 

One of the things I appreciate about Edna is she wants to hammer things out no matter the complexity of the issue so that the county can move forward “together; united.” Edna works hard to bring people together. In doing so, the best outcomes are achieved. 

A several months ago, Edna invited me to join her in Olympia to a committee hearing so we could follow important flood control legislation (1154) and to testify. It was my first time to testify to a committee of our state representatives. She introduced me to countless persons prior to and after the meeting and I felt engaged with my state as a citizen for the first time. 

With Edna’s help she taught me how to track the legislation online so I would better understand how the legislation changes as it moves through the process. This is important because so much of what county government does involves what happens at the state level. 

Edna has taken time to help me understand local issues and is always interested in innovative new ideas and new information to inform her decisions. With Edna, I’ve always felt my opinions and ideas have been heard. Lewis County is blessed with great people like Edna. 

Edna has a huge amount of experience in local and state government and this resource is invaluable. Now is not the time to replace such an effective and competent person who has served so well. I wholeheartedly urge you to vote for Edna Fund for Lewis County Commissioner for District 1! 


Frank L Corbin and

Elizabeth L Corbin
