WDFW Solicits Input on Fish Passage Rules


As the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) works to create new rules to bolster fish passage in waterways, the agency is soliciting feedback at a virtual public meeting at 1 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 25. The public can also learn more about the issue of fish passage at the meeting. 

WDFW is pursuing new rules after Gov. Jay Inslee’s Southern Resident Orca Task Force reported in 2018 that the whales were suffering from a lack of prey. According to a press release, the task force specifically recommended that agencies “apply and enforce laws that protect salmon habitat.”

Barriers identified by WDFW include antiquated culverts, bridges and diversion dams. 

“We want to help landowners protect fish by creating rules that provide clear guidance,” the press release reads. 

To participate in the meeting, visit https://bit.ly/3qwkpxR or call 360-902-2534 for information.