Letters to the Editor: Teachers Want to Be Back in Classroom, Are Doing the Best They Can


Hello, my name is Jordan Ray and I am a first grade teacher at Adna Elementary. I have noticed The Chronicle lately covering various stories on school closures in the area due to COVID-19. I have seen community leaders, members, and parents voice their opinions on students returning to the classroom and share their concerns on distance learning. However what I have not yet seen, is a write up that includes an educator’s perspective. 

We as teachers, have been mostly silent. We aren’t able to voice our professional opinions as freely on social media or other platforms without backlash or repercussions. We support our school board and administration and the challenging decisions they are facing, yet want more than anything to be back in the classroom with our students. 

Although we desire nothing more than to see our students face to face, and know that nothing can replace in person learning, we are making lemonade out of lemons. I know firsthand that 99 percent of our community has had nothing but positive things to say about our distance learning program and I would like there to be more focus given to the work that is being put in behind the scenes. 

Comments stating “defund the teachers” are not only ignorant, but completely irrelevant and disrespectful. Teachers have not played any part in making the decisions to continue distance learning and we want nothing more to be in the classroom with our students. In fact, we are putting in more hours outside of our contract than ever before. We are learning to teach in an entirely new way and facing the challenges that distance learning brings —  including meeting with students and parents at all hours of the day/night. We have found ways to make online content easily accessible for students without reliable internet. We are volunteering to meet outdoors following safety protocols, to work with students one-on-one who are unable to meet via online platforms. We have checked out Chromebooks preloaded with our grade level homepage and all online content, to every student who needs one. We have prerecorded lessons and instructions for work for students to watch daily, as their schedule allows. Here in the Adna school district, our staff members are delivering breakfasts and lunches every morning. Our building principal has spent countless hours organizing routes to deliver weekly packets and materials and pick up homework. None of this is requirement, yet we have risen to the occasion to do what is best for our students given the circumstances. 

We know this is not ideal for anyone. The challenges parents are facing right now are undeniable. I am incredibly grateful to be working in the Adna School District and have received the best support from the majority of our community. I am optimistic our students will be back where they need to be safely, very soon. We are all working towards the same goal; but give us some credit. I would like to invite The Chronicle staff into our building to see firsthand the incredible effort that my coworkers have put in to making this the most successful learning experience possible for all students, until we are back in the classroom once again. 

Jordan Ray
