Letter: Wolf Has Right to Kill Lamb, and We Have the Right to Kill the Wolf


This is about the article on the big bad wolf control.

The wolf is not a little lamb. He will eat the little lamb. The lamb does not want to die either, but the wolf does not care. The wolf has to kill every day to live.

Go to the meat market and see all the meat that came from animals that didn’t want to die. People kill every day many thousands of animals that don’t want to die.

In The Chronicle’s Voice of the People, a writer whose user name was Cooper11 said we have no right to “overpower, control and murder” non-human animals. We don’t murder chickens to have fried chicken, we kill them. People are not animals!

According to the Bible, the god who owns the animals gave man the right to kill and eat the animals for food. If the wolf eats your food, you can kill the wolf.

It isn’t wrong for the wolf to kill the lamb, but it also isn’t wrong for man to kill the wolf for eating his food.

Animals were made for man’s uses: the horse for man to ride. Before cars, what would we do? The camel in dry country. The elephant to do hard work.

How about the honey bee? She doesn’t need the apple, but the apple needs her.

At the end of the writer’s comment, he said that it can get more evil than this. I think it already has. Our country kills more non-animals just before birth through abortion than all our wars now.

Also, America makes legal the drug that kills and maims more than wars do. They put it in wine and beer and call it good.

E.D. Stephens
