Letter to the Editor: Vote to Maintain Progress


Even after polls are showing the treatment Judge Brett Kavanaugh received during his confirmation hearings has worked against the Democrats, they have decided to go all in by threatening to impeach him even after his confirmation.

Some Democrats are even challenging the validity of the Supreme Court itself.

Resist, resist, resist! This is what the Democratic Party has become. This is the only platform they have. Do they espouse any ideas that would make America even more prosperous? No. They simply want to impeach President Donald Trump and now Judge Kavanaugh.

Do they propose any plans to clean up the most crime ridden cities (many Democratic controlled)? No. They only want to yell and scream and disrupt any process proposed by this administration.

The Democrats’ actions are proof positive that we must get out and vote this November. We all need to vote Republican so as to maintain control of the Senate and Congress. If we lose control, all of the progress we’ve made will come to a screeching halt.

Vote, vote, vote.


Judy Chrisman
