Letter to the Editor: There Is a Better Choice Than Bobby Jackson


We can do better. There is a better choice. 

Remember the Twin-Transit fiasco Commissioner Bobby Jackson was involved in? Purposely misleading people to advertise for it, and to get people to vote for it? Well, I do. 

Remember the Derrick Wojcik-Damers fiasco? Well, I do! An internal investigation into a visit to Twin Transit property by former general manager Derrick Wojcik-Damers and former Twin Transit Advisory Board Chair Bobby Jackson in February, 2019 confirmed that employees were present during the visit, which had been prohibited by the advisory board. It ultimately led to Mr. Jackson resigning his position. 

Remember when Mr. Jackson was yelling “Governor Inslee open our state back up!” at campaign rally, and two days later, he voted at the BOCC meeting to keep the county offices closed with zero explanation? Well, I do!

I also remember him attending a Winlock City Council meeting to say the Twin Transit project that was blown out of the water during the election was still “afloat.” I watched him walk in, talk to not a single one of his constituents, get up and speak, and then leave again. 

Lewis County Commission District 2 has a better option. Dr. Lindsey Remund Pollock. We can and must do better. 


Charles Cline
