Letter to the Editor: Support Carolyn Long for a Representative Who Listens


In her letter dated Jan. 22, Olga Miller stated that Carolyn Long, who is running against Jamie Herrera Beutler in the 3rd congressional district, had stated in her platform that she wants to raise taxes on the average family of four by $2,300. I have been a supporter of Carolyn ever since she ran in 2018 and nowhere in her platform or any of her town hall meetings (over 50 so far) has she ever made that assertion. This is a total fabrication. Ms. Miller is either being fed misinformation by the JHB campaign or she made it up on her own. It would be a safe bet that Ms. Miller has never been to one of Carolyn’s town halls to hear what she has to say or bothered to ask any questions of anybody.  

Ms. Miller also touts the fact that JHB cut taxes. I will concede that JHB voted to cut taxes. Unfortunately, it was for the ultra-wealthy. The average middle class citizen is seeing little of this tax cut. And each year it will be less until after five years it will be gone. Whereas the wealthy will continue to receive the benefits of the tax cuts. The tax cuts for the wealthy were supposed to trickle down and create jobs and increase the workers standard of living. Instead, big corporations have not reinvested but instead bought its stock back and paid their CEOs and board members huge bonuses. Wages have stagnated while the corporations are getting richer. It has hit the poor, middle class, and senior citizens. Meanwhile, our national budget deficit has grown to over $1 trillion and a national debt of $23 trillion (Business Insider), the highest in our nation’s history. And who is paying for this deficit? Not the wealthy! It is the poor and middle class citizen. It is our children and our grandchildren. It is hard to understand how those most negatively impacted by her voting record are her biggest supporters.

JHB voted for the tax cuts and supported her president in the implementation of tariffs. So, who is she representing? Not the average 3rd District citizen. If you want a representative that cares and listens, go to one of Carolyn Long’s town halls or Coffee With Carolyn meetings and ask her questions. She is not afraid of questions and will give honest answers. I have heard her say “I don’t know the answer, so I will look into it and get back to you.” And she does! JHB has not shown her face in an open to the public meeting in three years. As the general election nears, I predict that JHB will not have the courage to debate Carolyn Long. No matter which candidate you support, let JHB know that she needs to meet her constituents for face to face dialogue and participate in debates so people can hear and compare the two candidates.


Dennis Blake
