Letter to the Editor: Small Town Politics to Blame for Twin Transit Manager’s Ouster


At least one person still has some integrity and decency. Thank you, Bobby Jackson, for defending my friend. I’m referring to former Twin Transit general manager Derrick Wojcik-Damers.

And to all of those who are cheering Derrick’s resignation I have this to say: I worked with Derrick for 10 years at Denver’s Regional Transportation Agency, and I know of no finer individual or one with more integrity than Derrick. 

Of course, that doesn’t matter to those that forced Derrick out of his job. All that matters is that petty, small-town prejudice got to destroy a good man. A better man than your town deserves. Small town cliques, petty politics, a newspaper’s desire to destroy a good man are what matters. 

What kind of man was Derrick anyway? A man who stood up and refused when RTD management ordered him to cover up accidents. A man who stood up in the face of threats from management and defended an employee who was falsely accused. A man who defended a disabled employee when other employees tried to perform a cruel joke on her. A man who didn’t hesitate to befriend bus drivers, unlike so many other managers. A man with tremendous empathy for others who always treated all members of RTD with respect and courtesy. A man who could always be counted on to do the right thing. 

Oh, but he changed his name! Oh the horror! Yes, he changed his name for the most important reasons of all. Which I suspect is just one more reason for the jihad you launched against him. But, but, but, his past! So what? What about the man he became? Somebody who overcame whatever transgressions he once allegedly made. Maybe you should all remember the old adage about glass houses.

While you are celebrating your pyrrhic victory, consider this: No qualified, competent manager is going to want to work for Twin Transit. They see how the employees are allowed to run the company and obstruct anybody from outside who is hired. And they see how the local newspaper will support any apparently vindictive, disgruntled employees who speak out against a manager.

It just won’t be Twin Transit that suffers. All public agencies in your area, police, public works and more will all be viewed with suspicion by any potential managerial hires. Great job at damaging your community’s ability to hire good employees in the future. 

Derrick will overcome this. He will succeed. Will all of you ever overcome your hate and bigotry?


Jeffrey Prillwitz

Aurora, Colorado