Letter to the Editor: President Trump Should not Have Sided with Russia


As a former member of the military I have never been more ashamed of a president of the United States than I was recently, when the president sided with Russia regarding attacks on the United States of America.

This is unacceptable and he should be censured by Congress. Any American (including those who voted for and stand by the president) should be dismayed that an American president continues to attack America instead of defend America.

Where is the outrage, the demand that this cannot continue — because it will. When you think of the “land of the free” do Russia, China, Syria or North Korea come to mind? Our president seems to think that the people who run these countries are not our enemy.

Vote America, like our continued freedom depends on it, because someday it just might.


Ruth Wynn



We Need a Practical, Common Sense Leader

It’s time for change. Now is the time to elect a practical, common-sense leader as our state representative in the 20th District. I believe Mark Smith is that change, and voters should elect him on Aug. 7.

As a lifelong citizen of this district, and having served as a member of federal, state and county advisory boards, Mark understands the many issues and long-term possibilities here. He is mightily committed to the state representative position and right results for the district. 

Mark has spent decades advocating for hunter’s rights and wildlife issues, especially relative to the elk hoof-rot disease. Having owned and lived for several years at Eco Park Resort, 14 miles east of Toutle, Mark has seen first-hand the devastating effects of this terrible disease that